Sunday, December 8, 2019

What is our true reality? (Part 2 continued...)

As we covered in the last blog post that everything is energy, nothing is physical as it appears to be. It appears so just because the energy is conscious when consciousness is observing it, and takes a form as the consciousness of the observer desires. In other words, a particle which exist in multiple locations at the same time, chooses to exist in a singular location, allowing the observer to have an image to observe. Such group of particles together give us an illusion of reality based on our consciousness.

All this may sound unreal correct? Yes, indeed it should. When i too, touch the table, touch the keys of my computer from which i am typing this blog post, look at the ceiling, look at the moon out of the window, i think and ask myself, is this all not real? Are the particles that make up the table, the PC, the ceiling, the moon, etc. giving me an appearance as such just because i am observing it? The moment i stop looking at it, it will disappear as the wave function collapses? Simply unreal. Actually, no one would believe it until having firsthand experience of it. Imagine if you had never tasted mango, no matter how much someone tried to describe the taste to you, you would never actually get to know the actual taste until you actually get to eat it. However, please hang on!!

The only way to practically experience it is by meditation. Meditation has nothing to do with any religion, or belief system. We all know that our bodies are made up of atoms, or particles. And by now, it is clear that particles are nothing but energy. This means, our bodies are also actually energy balls. The atoms of our bodies are vibrating at a 3rd dimensional lower vibrational frequency, hence seems physically dense. The moment we start daily meditation routine and avoid deeds that cause low frequency vibrations like anger, hate, jealousy, excessive sex, service to self, greed, dishonesty, our vibrations begin to rise. Once the vibrational frequency crosses a threshold level, the body can transition between a wave and a particle as it is made of a group of particles, after all. The moment this happens, a person can understand what this physical reality is really about and all the divine secrets get unlocked.

This has been the secret of the Indian spiritual yogis, the advanced Mayans, Sumerians, the saints of the west, Jesus, Buddha, and all other enlightened masters that they could disappear at their will by changing the particle form to a wave form, or could exist in multiple places at the same time which is the true nature of the particle.

Hence, meditation is the key to unfolding the secrets of the universe. Magic happens when our mind is in a thoughtless state. We can literally do wonders like Jesus, or Buddha, or Krishna and become like God ourselves.

The purpose of these 2 blog posts was to first get a basic understanding that our reality is not physical but is just energy and giving us an illusion of reality as we know it. This is just like uncovering the first layer of knowledge that was necessary before we dive deep into the more heavy and serious stuff.

The answer to what exactly is the reality of our universe lies much more deeper than this. I can not go straight to the final layer of knowledge or it will be too much to absorb. We need to talk about some other important aspects before we uncover the final layer.

Please click on the follow button under followers so that you remain connected and get to know about my new blog posts. It also gives me inspiration to take the time out of my busy work schedule and share what i have to share.

Also subscribe to my new YouTube channel, Cosmic Love, as i am about to start sharing some beautiful content there in the very near future.

Via this blog and the YouTube channel, we together, as a family,  will proceed one step at a time, and uncover the different layers of truth until finally we understand the true mystery of our reality.

Signing out until my next post. Stay tuned.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

What is our true reality?

This is a very intriguing topic that has kept the scientific and religious community busy for centuries. The more we try to explore that which is real, the more we realize that we actually don`t know anything. I will need 2 blog posts (Part 1 & Part 2) to arrive at a definitive conclusion. Let`s dive into it.

Part 1

We think of an atom as an organized group of electrons and protons zooming around a neutron. This understanding is utterly wrong.

Early in the 20th century, the unquestioned assumption that the physical universe is actually physical lead to a scientific research for the elementary “God particle” upon which all life is built, which would prove that reality was not an illusion. But as soon as scientists began smashing electrons and other particles in enormous accelerators, they quickly realized the foundations of the physical world weren’t physical at all—that everything is energy.

The particles that make up the atoms have no structure or size, no weight or physical presence. They are entirely just a mere illusion, or you can call it energy. They have no height, length, width, or weight, and are nothing more than events in time. They have zero dimensions.

Electrons also do not have a uniform identity at any given moment of time. They are both a particle and a wave simultaneously, depending on how they are observed. Also, they are never in a single location at a given moment, and instead exist in several locations at the same time, which is only possible if everything is energy at the most fundamental levels.

What does all this imply?

It implies that the deeper we dive into the quantum world, the clearer it becomes that we know nothing about the true nature of reality at all. Reality is stranger than we think, or rather, stranger than what we CAN think. The above scientific discoveries and the ones to follow can free our minds in an instant from its superstitions and restrictions imposed upon by religious and societal dogmas. 

Many scientists have come to the Copenhagen Interpretation as their conclusion for understanding reality.

The Copenhagen Interpretation comes from the school of quantum mechanics, and it believes that reality does not exist without an observer to observe it.

As reality is nothing more than energy, then the energy is conscious when consciousness is observing it.

This may be difficult to understand.

Think of it this way: since particles exist in several areas at the same time, then it must respond to an observation by choosing to exist in a singular location, allowing the observer to have an image to observe.

A growing number of researchers in this field believe that reality exists only because human consciousness wills it to exist, by interacting with the energy that makes up the universe. This means that when we go out in the night and look out in the sky to see the beautiful moon, the moon is existing only because our consciousness wills it to exists as long as we are looking at the moon. When you stop looking at the moon, the moon no more exists as the wave function has collapsed.

Another mind-blowing discovery in quantum physics is Quantum Entanglement.

What's strange is that once two particles interact, they become entangled with one another, and can never become untangled.

No matter how far apart one may be moved from the other, the spin of one particle will always affect the spin of the other in the same proportion in reverse direction in an instant.They are, as if, connected by an unseen energy of force that permeates everything. Even if these particles become a million light years apart, still the spin of one would instantly affect the spin of the other. This can only happen when everything is energetically connected to one another. Einstein's theory that the speed of light is the fastest travelling medium in the universe also holds no good here.

Researchers have observed this in living cells communicating over far distances. In one famous experiment, researchers grew algae cells in a petri dish. They then separated these cells into two halves, taking one half to another laboratory. What they found was that no matter how much they separated the two dishes, a low-voltage current applied on one dish would always affect the cells in the other dish in the exact same way at the exact same moment.

Understanding this requires shifting the way we think of the universe. We can no longer think of the universe as a physical realm in which the things we observe and sense really exist in the form we perceive them.

Instead, as famous physicist Sir Roger Penrose theorized, we must envision the universe as nothing but information. We must believe that the physical universe is just a product of an abstract universe, in which we are all connected in an non-observable way. Information is simply embedded into the physical constructs of the physical universe, but is transmitted to our physical states from the abstract realm, first theorized by Greek philosopher, Plato. 

American theoretical physicist David Bohm also created a model where the entire universe and every particle in it comprises an “explicate order” resulting from active information contained holographically (which means energetically) in an underlying “implicate order.” Which means that everything that exists contains the information of everything else that exists. The information of the entire universe is contained holographically and energetically in every single cell. This perhaps explains the above Quantum Entanglement.

As Erwin Schrodinger famously stated, what we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. Particles are just appearances. Simply put, everything is nothing but energy.

This content above has the power to change everything. Once we understand that we are all one global consciousness connected to one another on a subatomic level, it has the power to shatter the religious dogmas and beliefs, and can create world peace.

....Part 2 (to be continued)