Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Let itbe.Let it be.

This is a small poem for all my blog readers. Everything that is happening now-a-days - violence, death, chaos, fear, tension, division among communities and societies is just a transformation phase. Increased natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, abnormal rain and snowfall patterns, severe droughts, etc. are all birth pangs of mother earth before giving birth to something ever more beautiful. What will come out of the other side is something you can't even think of. I am sure that the challenges we are facing as a human race will become even more pronounced in the times to come. The below poem is to give us all strength in the times to come and not forget that we all are not different and separate from each other, instead we are ONE. We are one global collective consciousness.

When we’re blown and we’re bruised …
Let it be. Let it be.

When the way seems dark and the landscape stark ..
Let it be. Let it be.

When we read so much perplexion
With guesses offering more complexion ..
Let it be. Let it be.

When we feel confused and
Constrained and bemused…
Let it be. Let it be.

When we awake upon a golden state
And realize it’s ultimate ‘escape’ ..
Let it be. Let it be.

When we flow into the go of
What we soulishly know ..
Let it be. Let it be.

When we give up the reigns
And give eternity a gaze …
Let it be. Let it be.

When we recognize our mates
In this race giving eternity a face ..
Let it be. Let it be.

When I see you and you see me ..
When we realize we are ‘We’…
There…’there’ …We are.
There, We will BE.

May God bless us all.
Peace and Love.